About Stimet

Stimet is an international management advisor to foreign and domestic companies.

We leverage our years of experience in product development, manufacturing & marketing to help manager realize a controlled success.


Contract Negotiaions
Government Compliance
Translation Services
Management Training
Media Development
Software Development
App Development
Foreign  Management
Intilectual Protection
Warehouse & Distribution
Shipping Logistics
Market Strategies
Customer Service & Support
Event Coordination


Top Level Management Training

We serve as advisors to CEOs and their organizations. We integrate our areas of expertise creating a CEO-level System of Management.

Stimet has the experience to consult on Strategic and Operational Planning. With years of hands on experience, we have worked with several  CEOs to develop and implement plans for substantially improving organizational performance.

The crucial components of planning at a CEO level are: * Thinking and Planning at a Strategic Level * Ensuring Operational Implementation * Establishing Accountability for Results at All Levels. We provide training for top level management as well as group employees.